
Melissa is a licensed professional trauma therapist for the past 18 years. She is a survivor of violence and helps individuals heal from their trauma through a feminist, empowerment-based approach. She teaches self-defense for the past 3 years and also provides 1:1 firearms training and teaches CPL classes. She has a passion for teaching women to find their power and learn how to protect themselves.


Carly is a sex-positive and feminist business professional with certifications in Mindfulness and Meditation. Surviving past encounters with sexual and relationship-based violence has fueled her commitment to emboldening and empowering women in their lives. She teaches mindfulness, meditation, women's self-defense, CPL classes and refreshers, and provides personalized firearms training, and firearms consults. Her passion lies in guiding women towards achieving empowerment by honing essential life skills for safety and mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


My yoga journey began in 2008 after attending a community class with a friend. My love for the practice grew quickly and within a few months, I had enrolled in Ally Ford’s Yoga Teacher Training in Clearwater, Florida. As the years have passed, I have lived by the adage, “Always a student.” I have been blessed to have the opportunity to take part in a number of different trainings, such as: Adaptive Yoga Training with Annie Okerlin, geared towards making yoga accessible for everyone; Level I iRest yoga training, a guided meditation training; Life Force Yoga Training, which is designed to help individuals cope with stress, anxiety and depression and Restorative Yoga training, geared towards helping individuals achieve deep relaxation. I have shared yoga in many different spaces - teaching in a residential center for co-occurring disorders, different yoga studios, a retreat program for Combat Veterans, a sleep program called 62 Romeo and in my counseling office where I work as a trauma therapist. I always work to meet a person where they are and utilize a trauma informed approach in my teaching. Yoga has been a gift to my life and part of that excitement is sharing the gift with others.