The Oleander Center for Women

Yoga, Mediation, Mindfulness, Reiki, Self Defense and more

If you are looking to feel empowered and heal, our classes offer a variety to meet all your empowerment goals. All services are provided through a trauma-informed, feminist approach that emphasizes your safety, comfort and well-being from start to finish. We serve women and girls ages 13+.


Yoga is a centuries-old practice encompassing physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to achieve holistic well-being. Practicing yoga regularly reduces stress, increases mindfulness, and enhances physical health. Our expert instructors offer an array of classes catering to all experience levels and prioritizing the connection between breath and movement while focusing on the fundamentals.


Mindfulness is the practice of bringing our attention to the present moment and involves being aware of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the environment around you without judgment. Mindfulness cultivates a sense of calm and focus, reduces stress and stress related conditions, anxiety, and improves overall well-being. Our instructors can guide you through techniques to promote self-awareness.


Reiki is a gentle Japanese healing technique deeply rooted in ancient practices, aimed at enhancing relaxation and reducing stress levels. During a session, the skilled practitioner lays their hands gently on or slightly above the recipient's body to encourage the harmonious flow of energy and restore balance. Explore the profound benefits of Reiki under the guidance of our skilled instructors at Oleander Center for Women.


Meditation is the practice of training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts. It is often used to increase awareness, attention, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Its known to have numerous benefits, such as reducing stress and stress-related conditions, anxiety, and improving overall well-being. We can guide you through the meditation process and and proper techniques to achieve a meditative state.

Sex Education & Empowerment

Our classes offer thorough info on safe sex, consent, addressing shame, and body rights in a respectful way. Our approach is inclusive, non-judgmental, and focuses on safe behavior. Expect support, confidentiality, and open discussions to empower you sexually. We support good sexual health and sexual empowerment for everyone in our classes.

Women’s Self Defense

Self-defense encompasses a range of techniques and strategies aimed at protecting ourselves in dangerous or threatening situations. Our course teaches the physical techniques to fend off attackers, as well as practicing situational awareness and risk assessment to avoid or de-escalate dangerous situations. We also focus on ways to set boundaries, assert oneself confidently, and seek help when needed.